ORAK GDPR Drive and ORAK GDPR Assistant - Your assistant for GDPR |
ORAK Engineering is ready to be your partner in in bringing your company's business activities to the technical requirements of the Regulation, set out in Art. 32 and Art. 17 of the Regulation, as follows:
- Encryption of the database (Article 32 paragraph 1a)
- Safe archiving and automatic recovery of the database (Article 32 paragraph 1c);
- Functionality for deletion of personal data on demand (under Article 17 "Right to be forgotten");
- Timely technical support with guaranteed sustainability and availability (Article 32 paragraph 1b);
- Process of regular GDPR audit of the software that stores personal data (Article 32 paragraph 1d
This is possible due to ORAK's new products - ОRАК GDPR Drive and ORAK GDPR Assistant.
What will you get:
- Audit / Self-audit of your current data sets and identifying those that contain personal data;
- Installation of ORAK GDPR Drive;
- Transfer of the personal data sets / databases to ORAK GDPR Drive;
- Activation (optional) of ОРАК GDPR Assistant;
- Timely technical maintenance and guarantee of sustainability and availability of ORAK GDPR Assistant;
Orak preforms:
- Assistance in technical auditing of GDPR customer needs
- Delivers ORAK GDPR Drive, ready for installation;
- Assists to install and migrate your arrays under GDPR
- Enables the OCR GDPR Assistant annual backup and auto recovery package;
- 12-month GDPR Audit of ORAK GDPR Drive;
- Provides 24/7 service for all incidents of technical and consulting service with guaranteed response time;
- Ensures sustainability and availability of the Oracle GDPR Assistant secure backup and automatic recovery service.
How to organize your business in line with the General Regulation, learn here: http://orakgroup.com/bg/services/gdpr
Have a question about Orak solutions?
We'll be happy to help!
Please contact us at:
☏ 0700 11 234
✉ marketing@orakgroup.com
